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MAIN: Financial Services

Adjacent Quote Server

Adjacent Market Systems Inc

High-performance Quote Server gives you access to real-time financialdata, news, intra-day (tick-by-tick) data, historic data, fundamentaldata, vendor pages, and more via data query or broadcast mechanisms.Integrate multiple data vendors and contributors into a uniformdistribution and access information with one seamless interface. TheQuote Server as a customized and fully configurable system is completelyscalable to provide a range of functionality. Use it on a small standalone for monitoring a few quotes or on a dedicated server as a fullblown ticker plant. The system is ideal for Internet and Webdistribution of Real-Time Financial Data. This system was initiallydeveloped to serve as a data platform for trading, analytic, and supportapplications requiring high-performance data delivery. To date, thesystem has been used to support: - Automated Program Trading - Real-TimePortfolio Evaluation - Trading Analysis - Internet Distribution of Real-Time Information Site licensing and source code options are available.

Language: C++, Java
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.4

Adjacent Market Systems Inc
29 John St
New York City, NY 10038
Phone: 2122672744
Fax: 2122672743